Thursday, January 10, 2008


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New Years

On New Year's Eve we motored Wildcat from its slip in Alameda to South Beach Harbor in San Francisco. It was a beautiful day, clear as a bell and in the mid 60's. Unfortunately there was virtually no wind. Certainly not enough to make any progress under sail. I guess we could have let the tide pull us across the bay, but we wanted to get into the slip before the Marina's office closed and also wanted to meet up with our friends Pete and Bethany for cocktails (they had their boat Nanaimo at South Beach for the holiday as well.

We had a great time, as usual, with P&B and Lynne and I went to the Opera Theaters to see an Indie movie set in China during WWII. Interesting movie, but the subtitles scrolled through a bit quickly. Afterwards I hailed down a limo to take us back to the boat. We watched he midnight fireworks from the back to the boat while in the slip. Very civilized!.

The next morning we had breakfast with P&B, and the attempted to sail home. P&B kept the sail up, but mid way across the bay I took my sail down and motored because we had another party to go to. It was another beautiful day and I wish we had the time to sit on the boat, regardless how slow it was going.

Total distance traveled 16 miles.