Monday, February 11, 2008


Well the boy scout in me has surfaced again. After sailing for 5 years (and learning to sail by trial and error) I have finally decided to get some real training. I figure that after taking a series of organized courses I will be more prepared to handle emergencies on the water (thus complying with the boy scout motto: Be Prepared!) I just completed the basic keelboat class through Club Nautique in Alameda CA and received my US Sailing certification. Tne next course is basic cruising followed by bareboat cruising and ultimately CPM and OPM. Through taking these courses I hope to better understand the correct procedures for sailing so I feel more prepared on the water. Hopefully, this process will also make my adventures on the water safer and more relaxing. The downside to taking classes is that I do not get to use my boat as much as I would like. Oh well, life is full of trade offs.