Thursday, May 22, 2008

At the helm and showing the way home

From left to right Scott, me, Dobrin, Christina and Thomas in front

May 16 to 18 CPM Sail

Above are a few pictures of the Coastal Passage Making cllass/sail I participated in from May 16th to May 18th.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

May 9, 2008

Lynne, Doron, Sandra and I sailed over to Pier 32 in San Francisco to watch the fireworks at KFOG's Kaboom. We had a good sail over to Pier 32 after motoring up the estuary. We passed Peter an Bethany in Nanimo as they were returning from a day on the bay. We then sailed south for 5 miles before tacking back towards Pier 32. The anchorage at Pier 32 was full so we went around to McCovey Cove and anchored by the Ball Park. Had a great dinner prepared by Sandra, a few beers and some great tequila collins prepared by Sandra. The fireworks were obscured a bit by the fog, but were great anyway because we were so close. We then motored back in across the bay and down the estuary and got back about 11:30. A great time had by all. I only wished we had taken a few pictures.

Point of interest to sailor's. McCovey cove was a nice place to anchor. Deep mud bottom with plenty of holding power. Only problem is that the mud is like tar when you pull up the anchor. It is very sticky and hard to wash off. What a mess!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

View from my office

Not the clearest day, but you can see that I have a view of the south bay and can see how the wind is blowing.

Pictures of May 4, 2008 Sail with Doron

Monday, May 5, 2008

May 4, 2008

Doron and I left the dock on Wildcat at about 1:30 on Sunday for a sail up the Oakland estuary. Winds were moderate at about 15 to 20 kts. The direction of the wind was good for sailing up the estuary. We sailed all the way up and got to the entrance to the estuary at about 3:30. I had a father-son barbeque with Andrew at 5pm so we had to turn around and sail back on a broad reach. We caught up and passed an number of larger boats. The Nonsuch really does great on a broad reach. Total distance, with tacks, was about 14 miles. We got back at about 4:30 and left the boat at about 4:45. A very unjoyable sail, made even more enjoyable by the food and beers that Doron brought along.