Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 12, 2009

Lynne and I took our friends John and Debra out for a sail around Treasure Island after lunch on the hook at Clipper Cove. The winds were 20-23 going around TI but very light once we got under the west span of the Bay Bridge. It was a beautiful day with quite warm winds (at least for the bay area).

July 12, 2009 San Francisco

John and Debra off Treasure Island

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009

Lynne, Doron, Sandra and I sailed up to the head of the estuary and back today. The wind was great on the way up the estuary but died when we got to the bay so we had to motor back.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day Weekend

Lynne and I sailed for 4 days this weekend. We motored up to Clipper Cove on Thursday night and had a very relaxing dinner and were able to anchor in the SW corner of Clipper Cove, which provided great protection from the wind. We were lucky to get this spot because the wind was pretty strong all night and we had to reset the anchor in the morning because we were slowing dragging the anchor because of the wind.

The next morning we got in touch with Pete and Bethany on Nanaimo and when they passed Clipper Cove we had just pulled up our anchor and followed them up to China Camp. The wind was pretty strong in the Slot, gusting to 25 knts. Lynne was at the helm the whole way until be got to the Sisters, just off San Pedro Point. She did a great job sailing the boat in that much wind. We finally dropped anchor at China Camp at about 1630. P&B came over to Wildcat in their dingy and we had dinner and drinks on our boat.

On Saturday we slept in pretty late and for most of the day we just stayed on the boat and read. At about 1500 Lynne and I went out for a sail so that she could practice points of sail. Lynne was at the helm and I think she learned a few things. She still gets confused about wind direction and sail trim, but that will improve with experience. I try to let her do most of the sailing when we are on the open water so that she will bet more experience. We got back to anchor at about 1630 and Pete came over in his dingy and picked up Lynne and me and took us over to shore. He went back for Bethany and we had drinks and chips on the beach at China Camp. Lynne and I also viewed the little museum they have there. It was actually very interesting. We then went back to Nanaimo and had dinner and drinks with Pete and Bethany on their boat. Bethany had brought along a great 4th of July dinner of burgers, hot dogs with all the fixings, and macaroni and potato salads.

On Sunday we slept in again. At about 1100 Pete came over in the dingy, but this time rigged with the sail. Pete let Lynne and I use the dingy and I gave Lynne some sailing lessons. We had a great time sailing around in the small dingy but eventually it was time to head home. Lynne and I got back to Wildcat and went down to prepare some lunch. The wind and current had picked up, but my anchor seemed to be set well. Unfortunately I was wrong. After eating lunch for about 30 minutes I fell the boat lurch a bit. It just didn't feel right so I poked my head out the hatch and saw that we had dragged the anchor about .25 miles. We quickly cleaned up lunch and got under way before we dragged any further. We had a nice sail across the bay with winds from 16-20 with occasional higher gusts. We got back to the slip at about 1730.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Lynne at the helm

Friday off Richmond looking back at SF