Monday, August 10, 2009

August 7, 2009

Our good friends Viv and Franz were down from Portland and were looking forward to a sail and a hike. What better place to go than Angel Island. We left the slip at about noon and headed through the Delta Echo span of the Bay Bridge. Winds were quite light and fickle till be passed under the bridge. Then they picked up quickly and by the time we were in the slot were blowing in excess of 20 knots. As we approached Angel Island I saw an oil tanker coming out from Richmond, so the race to the green buoy at the SE end of the island as on. I have learned over the years never to race a tanker in a sail boat. They move unbelievably fast. So when I say the race was on, while true, it was not much of a race. I was by now moving at over 7 knts and was about a half mile from the buoy and the ship was still east of Raccoon Straights. The winds held strong until we got to the NE corner of Angel Island, where we lowered the sail and motored into the slips in Ayala Cove. After docking the boat and securing her we hiked the full loop around Angel Island starting at the North End and coming back on the Sunset Trail, after hiking to the top of the island. The views are unbelievable!

After a bit of refreshment on the boat we headed home sailing up Raccoon Straights and then a broad reach to Treasure Island. The winds were again blowing over 20 knots, but the sail was pretty comfortable on a broad reach. We made the right turn and came behind to the east of TI, using it to get some relief from the wave that had built up in the bay, and sailed back to the estuary. As we approached the estuary the winds died and we had to motor back in. We were back at the slip as the sun set at about 2000.

Lynne, Franz and Vivienne on Angel Island

View from Angel Island