Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3, 2010

Got the New Year off to a good start by going down to the boat for a little R&R. Lynne and I met Sandra and Doron at the boat around 1230. As usual Sandra brought a great meal, home made chicken soup and chicken salad sandwiches. Doron added a bottle of French rose.

So when I tried to start the engine the starter battery was dead, as was the house battery. Guess I left the power on (or Andrew did one night while he was back from college). Any way, I turned on the charger and it did not seem to be working. Doron and I went below to check it out. My number one rule with anything electronic is if it is not working, make sure it's plugged in. So, starting at the shore box we checked the breaker, then the breaker on the boat's panel and finally the breaker at the battery. Of course the last breaker had flipped. Doron reset it and 30 minutes later we got the engine running and were on our way.

I decided to motor the whole way so that I could charge the battery. I have an eighty amp alternator on the engine, so I thought that would be better than charging at 30 amps on shore. All seemed to be working when we returned to the slip. Only time will tell if the battery is still holding a charge. We had a nice run up to and back from the turning basin .