Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

Anchored for the night at China Camp.

May 28, 2010

It may be hard to tell be that is San Francisco and the Bay Bridge

May 28, 2010

Lynne and I have started our Memorial Day Weekend Sail. Here we are
hiking on Angel Island and we had a great view of the Golden Gate.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 22, 2010

Lynne and I sailed to Clipper Cove for lunch with our good friends John and Evan Bissonette and Virginia Smith, who were down from Portland OR. We motored out of the estuary, leaving about 1020, because the winds were right on our nose. Once out in the bay we sailed east towards the city, the winds were variable and shifting as a front was approaching. Our initial plans were to sail to Pier 1 1/2, but we soon abandon that plan as we had to get back to the slip by 1500 and we got a later start than I had wanted to. So we tacked and headed to Clipper Cove. The winds picked up and shifted NNW so we were able to sail into Clipper cove. The bar at Clipper Cove is getting very shallow and measured 5 feet as we sailed in. We had a nice lunch in the calm lee side of the cove as the winds continued to pick up around us. After lunch I decided to sail out of Clipper Cove. As we approached the entrance bar the depth gage read 3 ft. Fortunately the mud there is quite soft and we were moving at 7 kts. so we powered right through it. We then sailed back to the slip with the wind at our back. The wind gage indicated an apparent wind of 19-21 kts and we had a ground speed of 7 kts, so the wind was blowing somewhere between 24-28 kts. After a very fast run down the estuary we got back to the slip at 1430.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Angel Island

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010

Went on a sail with Gina and David good friends from Portland OR who were down for the weekend to enjoy sunny San Francisco. We left the slip at about 1045 and motored out to the bay. Then we sailed over to McCovy cove, dropped the sail and motored along the waterfront to pier 1 1/2 by the ferry building and docked the boat and went to the Saturday Market at the Ferry Building. Quite a lively spot. Then we sailed across the bay to Angel Island were we took a slip in Ayela Cove. We hiked to the top of Mt. Livermore (about 2 hours) and then sailed home arriving at 2100. Long but wonderful day.