Monday, September 12, 2011

Sept 11, 2011

Went out for a sail today as skipper on Wildcat with four other people who had won a trip on the bay at a charitable auction. Left the slip at 930 and had to motor across the bay to South Beach Harbor due to light winds. After picking up my guests we motored under the bay bridge and the put up the sail Winds were light at first be then built up to 20-21 knots. We tacked up to the golden gate bridge and under it. Then we. Went on a broad reach into Richardson Bay and anchored for lunch.

After lunch we headed for home. A fast beam reach a across the bay and then a run along the water front of SF. Winds were still about 18-20 but we had an ebb tide slowing us down. Dropped of the guests at 1700 and motored home getting in about 1830.

Long day on the bay but quite fun with good winds and interesting and friendly guests.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sept 5, 2011

Took a quick sail with Lynne, Lauren, Andrew and Victor today. Just out to the bay, north up to the alameda naval base channel and back again. Winds we light but we had fun.