Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dec. 31, 2011 - Jan 1, 2012

Lynne and I sailed over to South Beach Harbor in San Francisco for New Years. We had a slip at the marina. After checking in at the marina we went over to the South Beach Yacht Club for a drink. Then we went out to the movies (the Artist). Afterwards we went to pier 1.5 where Doron's boat was docked, for a drink. We walked back to our boat through the new year's revelers who were waiting to see the fireworks at midnight. We got back to our boat and watched the fireworks from the back of the boat. A great night!

The next day we sailed over to Angel Island. Winds were 13-16 from the NNW. When we got to AI we took a hike up to the top of Mt Livermore. The day was gorgeous sunny and warm (mid 60's) with enough wind for a fun sail. Got back home about 18:30.

Distance: 31.0 NM
Total time: 8h 54'
Average Speed: 3.5 kts
Max Speed: 7.9 kts