Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 21, 2013

Took a sail to The Bay Bridge with Zoe, Jade, Andrew and Andrew's friend Aaron. Good winds. Everyone else took turns at the helm.

John Finston

Friday, July 5, 2013

Sardinia July 6-13, 2013

A nice picture of the beach at Nice France.  The next day Lynne and I flew with our friends Emmanuelle and Jean Michael to Sardinia where we joined Doron and Sandra and their friends Issable and Mark for a 7 day sail in the North of Sardinia and southern Corsica on a 41 ft Lagoon catamaran. We had great weather, sun the entire time, great food and even better company.

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Please excuse any typosLynne, me and our good friend Emmanuelle

July 5, 2013

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Please excuse any typosIn Nice on the Cote d Azure on our way to get our boat on Sardinia.