Monday, April 14, 2008

April 13, 2008

Lynne and I finally got to sail a bit this weekend. I have been busy with classes at Club Nautique and Lynne with school so we have not been able to take a weekend off for a trip yet. In fact, this weekend I was yet again in class for a Coastal Navigation course and Lynne was studying for a Chem 101 final. But we put down the books at 5 pm on Sunday and sailed up the estuary. As luck would have it Pete and Bethany were out on Nanaimo with our friends Doron and Sandra, so we paced each other up and down the Oakland Estuary. We were out for about 2 hours. Lynne was at the helm the entire time and brought her into the slip as well.

Next week - COB drills for Lynne and me. A little practice never hurts.

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