Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 11, 2008

This weekend for Fleet week we took Wildcat out with Caitlin and her friend Casey, Gail and Howard Berman and Lynne and me.  The wind was blowing at 20knts at the dock! It was also coming straight down the estuary, so we motored out to Jack London where the estuary bends a bit south and we we able to sail close hauled up to the end of the estuary.  Unfortunately be the time we go out to the bay Casey was not feeling well. So we made a right and headed to the protected Clipper Cove to watch the air show from its protected waters.  After dropping the hook on the north side of the cove we had lunch and relaxed.  The Blue Angles flew directly over us on a number of runs.  It was quite nice.  After the show we motored back down the estuary to the slip. Since Fleet week is probably the most crowed day on the bay (everyone who has a boat and has not forgotten how to use it tries to get front row seats on the water to see the show), there is also a huge crowd of boats returning after the show.  This year was no exception.  When we got back to the slip we had some more appetizers and drinks, but as soon as the sun went down the air chilled and everyone decided to leave and let me close down the boat.  As I was making entries in the log book I radioed Nanaimo to find out where they were.  Pete responded and said they were just returning to the slip. Since Bethany and Pete know Gail and Howard we went over to their boat to say hello.  I ended up staying an comparing notes on boat improvements with Pete for a while before heading back to Wildcat to close her up.  

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