Monday, April 20, 2009

April 17 -19, 2009

Lynne and I had our first overnight trip on Wildcat this past weekend.  We motored up to Clipper Cove on Friday night.  Our friends Pete and Bethany had come up to Clipper Cove in Nanaimo, their Nonsuch 30U, earlier in the day.  We rafted up and had drinks and dinner on Nanaimo.  we derafted for the night and I took the picture below with my Iphone Saturday morning. 

Saturday morning we had a lazy start to the day.  Pete had installed some new instruments in Nanaimo and he did some maneuvers in Clipper Cove to calibrate them.  I had a call to take at noon, so we finally got underway at about 1pm and headed up to China Camp.  I took two pictures on the way up to China Camp which are set out below.  One is of Lynne about 1.5 miles NE of Raccoon Straits.  If you look carefully you can see the Golden Gate Bridge through Raccoon Straights.  The winds were blowing about 17-19 knts through the slot, but we were becalmed near Richmond Harbor and had to motor for about 45 minutes.  Then the winds picked back up and we were able to sail on a broad reach to a run all the way up to China Camp.  We got up there at about 4:40 pm and quickly anchored.  After about an hour Nanaimo motored over to us and we tried to raft up for cocktails.  But the current was too strong and rough, so we each separately hung out on our boats.  Lynne made a great Indian dinner and we ate outside in the cockpit of the boat.

The next day was very hot at China Camp.  We put up Wildcat's bimini to shade us from the sun, (made all the difference) and sat out in our cockpit reading and doing word games together.  After lunch of leftovers from the night before and cheese and crackers, we finally go underway.  Nanaimo had left much earlier as it was to hot to sit at anchor without a bimini and they decided to get some relief from the heat by sailing.  The sail back was will very mild following winds but we had the tide pushing us so we averaged about 5 knts.  We met up with Nanaimo again at the entrance to the estuary and sailed back down the estuary together.  We then sailed over to Quinn's (a restaurant with a dock) for dinner.  We finally got back to the slip about 9:30 Sunday night.  A very enjoyable weekend. 

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