Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jen with a bit of Alcatraz over her shoulder

Kim and Raleigh

We even peeked out under the Golden Gate into the Pacific Ocean

Passing under Bay Bridge under power

The Bay is almost as flat as a mirror

Val and the Golden Gate

John and Doron south of east span of Bay Bridge

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 25, 2009

Lynne and I went out for a quick sail on Sunday.  We motored up to Jack London with Lynne at the helm and me trying to give her lessons on right of way issues.  As we approached the JL fuel dock I took the helm as the winds were a bit gusty.  After fueling up Lynne backed Wildcat off the dock and we put up the sail and sailed back to the slip on a broad reach/run with Lynne at the helm.  She sailled by the lee at times, but the Nonsuch can sail up to 15 degrees by the lee, so we had no problems.  It was a great day to sail the estuary, a fair amount of wind and quite warm for the SF Bay area.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May23, 2009

Spent a large portion of the day repairing the head (that is the toilet for you landlubbers). Any time one works on any type of toilet, it is a disagreeable project. A marine head is about as bad as it gets! cramp work area, and much less water flushing through the system leads to a smelly area when you open things up. Plus just about every screw or bolt has fuzed or is about to distintegrate. everything strips when you go to take it out. I endedn up having to use my dremil to cut off about four screws or bolts.

Fortunately the repair kit from west marine had replacement screws and bolts as well as new gaskets, flappers and valves, just about all moving parts. So once I got the thing apart, everything when fairly smoothly.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 16, 2009

It was a very fine day to take a sail this Saturday. The forecast was for a very hot day on land, so getting out on the water was a good alternative. I had offered a day sailing as an auction item in my firm's United Way campaign and the two secretaries who won the prize had chosen this day for the trip. I asked my friend and sailing buddy, Doron, to assist me as crew. Doron tries not to pass up an oportunity to sail and agreed to help me with the sail. So at 1100 our 4 guests met us at the slip for our sail around the bay.
We motored out of the estuary and across the bay as there was very little wind in the morning. we motored along the city front until we turned the corner and headed towards the Golden Gate. We then put up the sail as the sea breeze picked up. Doron was at the helm and he took us out under the Golden Gate bridge. We saw some dolfins and other sea life. We then headed back into the bay and down Raccoon straights and around Angel Island. On the east side of the Island we passed Pete and Bethany in Nanaimo, who were on their way up to China Camp. We then continued past Treasure Island and showed our guests the construction on the Bay Bridge and continued down to the south bay. The wind started to die out so we headed back to Alameda. We had a nice, but warm sail down the estuary and as we approached the slip Doron's wife, Sandra, invited is all back to the Red Door Studio for drinks and a barbeque. Jen and Val took Sandra up on her offer and we ended our day with a very nice evening at the Paz's.

Doron at the helm as Val enjoys the sights

May 15, 2009

Today Lynne and I picked Wildcat up from KKMI after it had its bottom painted and I cleaned the prop and revarnished the swimstep. The sail back to the slip was good, with variable, but generally reasonable winds. As we approached Clipper Cover I hailed Nanaimo on the radio, and much to our pleasure, but not surprise Pete and Bethany were sailing up to Clipper Cove for the night. We followed them into Clipper Cover and rafted up for drinks and snacks on our boat. We finally got back to our slip at 2300 where we were met by Lauren, who took Lynne home and me back up to KKMI to retreave the car.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 5, 2009

I have been participating on a test of some new bottom paints and the test finally came to and end this month. As a result I had to bring Wildcat up to KKMI (a boatyard) in Richmond to have it pulled so that the manufacturer could inspect the condition of the test paint. KKMI is about 13 miles from Wildcat's home slip, and it took me about 4 hours to get to KKMI from Alameda. I motored out of the Estuary and put the sail up just before getting to the Bay. I tried to sail once I was out on the bay, but the winds were light and if I had sailed all the way to KKMI I would not have arrived until after 2230. So I ended up motor sailing across the bay. It was an interesting sail becasue the fog had come in through the Gate, so around Berkeley there was pretty heavy fog, but elsewhere it was pretty light. I got to Richmond Harbor about 2030 and to KKMI at about 2100. The next day I took a look at Wildcat while it was on the hard. I was amazed at how well the paint had held up. No major hard growth and the hair apparently sluffed off when the boat was pulled. The zincs were in pretty good shape as well.

So while Wildcat is out of the water I will have the bottom painted and will also re-Cetol the swim step. Hopefully the boat will be back in the water by the middle of next week.