Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 16, 2009

It was a very fine day to take a sail this Saturday. The forecast was for a very hot day on land, so getting out on the water was a good alternative. I had offered a day sailing as an auction item in my firm's United Way campaign and the two secretaries who won the prize had chosen this day for the trip. I asked my friend and sailing buddy, Doron, to assist me as crew. Doron tries not to pass up an oportunity to sail and agreed to help me with the sail. So at 1100 our 4 guests met us at the slip for our sail around the bay.
We motored out of the estuary and across the bay as there was very little wind in the morning. we motored along the city front until we turned the corner and headed towards the Golden Gate. We then put up the sail as the sea breeze picked up. Doron was at the helm and he took us out under the Golden Gate bridge. We saw some dolfins and other sea life. We then headed back into the bay and down Raccoon straights and around Angel Island. On the east side of the Island we passed Pete and Bethany in Nanaimo, who were on their way up to China Camp. We then continued past Treasure Island and showed our guests the construction on the Bay Bridge and continued down to the south bay. The wind started to die out so we headed back to Alameda. We had a nice, but warm sail down the estuary and as we approached the slip Doron's wife, Sandra, invited is all back to the Red Door Studio for drinks and a barbeque. Jen and Val took Sandra up on her offer and we ended our day with a very nice evening at the Paz's.

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