Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sept 19, 2009

Lynne and I took Wildcat out for a sail today.  As soon as we left the slip we put up the sail, which was a good thing because the coast guard was pulling over boats for inspections (usually they will leave boats under sail alone).  Winds in the estuary were blowing about 9-14 knts, so we sailed out the entire way to the bay.  Nanaimo was doing the same thing, so we criss-crossed until we got out to the bay.  

Once in the bay the winds died, an we were forced to motor south for a few minutes, but then the winds picked up. Soon they were blowing 18 knts, but since a few minutes before there had been no wind, the waves had not had a chance  to build. So we sailed in 18 knts winds with little if any chop.   

We sailed south for a few miles and then turned back to bring the boat back to the barn.  We got back into the slip at about 6 and Pete and Bethany came over to Wildcat for a drink.  Lynne and I ended up staying on Wildcat for the night.  

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