Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 23, 2009

Gary Barg, Lauren's friend Lief and I sailed around TI and back on Saturday, leaving the slip at about 11:30. The wind was very light on the way out the estuary (after a fuel stop at Jack London), so we motored out. Once in the Bay we headed south and had very gentle winds of about 8 knots until we got down to the Naval Yard channel and then the winds picked up a bit and we tacked towards the Bay Bridge. We passed under the west span, between delta echo spans, and the wind gradually picked up to about 15-18 knts. We got about 1/2 way to Angel Island before having to turn back at about 3:30 so that Gary could get back for a 5pm engagement. While it was cool where the wind was blowing, by the time we got back into the estuary the winds abated and we had to go under power. We go back to the slip about 5pm, right on schedule.

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