Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sept 26, 2010

After attending my 30th law school reunion our good friends Dave and Kathy Gallo took us out for a ride on their power boat. We left from Manhasett Harbor and motored over to LaGuardia Airport, passing under the Whitestone and Throggs Neck Bridges and past City Island and the Kings Point Military Academy. It was a fun afternoon on the water.

October 9, 2010

Doron and I sailed around the bay all day for fleet week weekend. We saw the naval boats come in and then the air show. The number of boats on the bay was amazing. Wind we light in the morning but were blowing above 20 and gusting over 25 in the afternoon.

Fwd: Fleet week


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sept 12, 2010 Partial trip view

Below is a partial track using Navionics Iphone Chart app. The app
turned off on the way back (where the yellow line goes from off
Alameda point to my slip. The actual track was simply
back the same way we came out. Additional pictures and a description of the sail are posted below.

Sept 12, 2010

San Francisco skyline viewed through the Bay Bridge

Sept 12, 2010

Doron at the helm

September 12, 2010

Sandra enjoying the sun in the estuary

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sept 12, 2010

Start Time: 9/12/10 12:06 PM
End Time: 9/12/10 4:31 PM

Active track info:

Distance: 19.7 NM

Average Speed: 4.4 kts
Max Speed: 5.8 kts

Up above you can see a picture of our track for this sail.

Doron, Sandra Lynne and I sailed down to Encinal HS to try to see a filming of a Mythbusters program. Got there too late but had a fun sail. The attached track shows about 2/3 of the trip. Winds were moderate and the temperature was perfect.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept 6, 2010

Lynne and I took Kim and Paul Lipkin out for a Labor Day sail. Winds were very light so we motored up to Clipper Cove for lunch and had a great spread and very enjoyable lunch on the hook. After lunch we left clipper Cove and turned North along the east side of TI. Winds were about 16-19 kts, high enough for a fun sail. On the back side of TI I lost my hat, so we were able to practice some COB drills to retrieve it. We then sailed back to the estuary along the west side of TI and the winds peaked at about 22 kts, but then were down to 10 kts by the time we were half way down the estuary. Left the slip at around 1200 and were back by 1700 and did about 20 miles round trip.
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Sailing with Mike and Jeff

Jeff and Mike Under Bay Bridge

Sunset and Fog

Crossing the slot was a bit wet and wild!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sept. 3-4, 2010

Lynne and I has a full day sailing on September 3rd. We motored out the estuary with Lynne at the helm. We had agreed to meet some of Lynne's sailing classmates, Mike and Jeff and their wives, at Pier 1.5 and go out to lunch at a a Peruvian restaurant that is right on the water. Her friends had chartered a boat and were sailing over to meet us there.

After lunch we decided to sail across the bay and around Angel Island and the raft up at clipper cove. However the sail across the bay was a wild one. The winds we blowing in excess of 25 knots so we had to put in both reefs and still had a wet and wild crossing. So instead of continuing to Clipper Cove we decided to take a slip at Ayla Cove on Angel Island. We had a nice time socializing with a nice spread of wine cheese and munchies.

We the headed back across the bay and the winds were still blowing hard in the slot. So we had to put in a double reef. When we got into the slot the fog was down at sea level so I had Lynne's friends, who did not have radar, follow behind me and we motor-sailed across the slot. Once we got to the bay bridge we broke into sunshine again and Lynne's friends continued down to club nautique to return their boat. Lynne and I turned left and headed back to Treasure Island to anchor out for the night.

Pete and Bethany sailed up from Alameda to start their weekend sail down to half moon bay and then they were planning on coming back and sailing around the San Francisco Bay for the rest of the week. Their friends John and Dawn came up in their boat and we all rafted up together and had a great time eating, drinking and talking.

On Saturday our friends departed early. Lynne and I made some coffee, finished a crossword puzzle together and sailed back to our slip.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 29, 2010

Lynne and I took some of her friends from club Nautique, Sheila and Mike (and his wife and son) for a sail around the Bay. We motored out the estuary under light winds leaving at about 1200. Once on the bay we sailed under variable winds (9-17 knts) first south and then NNW as we passed under the Bay Bridge towards Alcatraz. Mike had the wheel from the estuary to the Bay Bridge and the Sheila took the wheel up to Alcatraz. We put in a reef at mid bay when the winds we consistently 21+. Once the started gusting over 25 I took the helm. We sailed past the west side of Angle Island, down Racoon Straights and back to the slip. Winds in the slot were gusting over 30 knts making for a fun sail. We got back to the slip about 1745.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 7, 2010

This past week Lynne enrolled and passed a sailing course on Basic Keelboat (BK). I am so proud of her and so happy that she had a great time during the course. In fact, she enjoyed it so much that she has signed up for Basic Cruising, which will entitle her to charter boats in most locations. So today we went out for a sail to celebrate and Andrew came along. We sailed down to Club Nautique, where she is taking her sailing lessons and met with her instructor and one other classmate. We also signed her up for BC and had dinner at Pier 29. Afterwards we sailed home and the first part of the sail was quite exciting. We had 25=28 knt winds coming out of Ballena Marina and had plenty of water coming over and into the boat. Eventually the winds calmed down and we had a nice sail back to the slip on a full run down the estuary.

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 11, 2010

Left the dock at 1300 with Sandra, Doron, Lynne and I on board. Winds were light, but strong enough to sail up the estuary and then over to Clipper cove. Doron did most of the sailing. We anchored out in the corner of Clipper Cover out of the wind and waited for Nanaimo to join us. Pete and Bethany arrived at about 1715 and rafted up to us. We hung out until almost 2000. Then we set sail and sailed back to Alameda. Got back to the slip after dark, about 2150.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 7, 2010

Took Wildcat out for a night sail on Wednesday night at about 1800. Sailed up to the Alameda Ferry station and then turned around. We then sailed to Quinn's lighthouse for dinner. Winds were light to moderate and we had a very nice night on the estuary. Lynne, Andrew Michelle (a visitor from WI) and I crewed the boat. After dinner we got back to the slip at about 2200.

July 5, 2010

Woke up fairly early to a very steady west wind coming up the river. That did not bode well for our return trip to Alameda. It meant that we would be fighting both the wind and the current most of the way home. We set sail at about 1100 and made pretty good time till we got to San Pablo Bay. There the winds picked up and were on our nose. We had gusts of up to 27 knts. We slogged across the bay and did not get to China Camp until 1700. We then turned south and headed towards the Richmond Bridge. The winds were gusting up to 30 knts and were right at us. In addition the tide changed and was against us as well. We decided to take down the sail and motor for a while. As we passed under the Bridge we got a text message from Nanaimo telling us that winds were gusting over 30 knts in the slot. We decided to keep on motoring and simply set the autopilot to take us home.

When we finally got to the estuary I put the sail back up to dry it out, and we had a nice sail down the estuary. We finally go back to the slip at about 2030, but had a bit of a mishap when docking the boat. We came into the slip a bit hot, and when I put the boat into reverse, the boat refused to go into reverse. As a result we slammed into the dock pretty hard. It left a nice dent in the bow's gel coat.

After cleaning off the boat we went up to the Island Yacht Club to de-pressure a bit. Pete and Bethany were at the bar and we hoisted a beer to celebrate our safe return to Alameda.

July 4, 2010

We slept in on Independence Day and then had a late breakfast/brunch. After cleaning up we read for a while and then I received a text message from Peter Butler that their was a slip available in Benicia. We soon set sail at about 1430 expecting about a 3 to 4 hour sail to Benicia. Well the winds were at about 20-23 knts off our starboard quarter and we flew across San Pablo bay. we were even able to sail on a run past the bride and up the river to the Benicia Marina, getting in at about 1700. We were greeted very warmly by the Island Yacht Club members that had organized a sail-in and had a nice cocktail party with them. That night we watched the 4th of July firework displays of Benicia, Valejo, Pittsburgh and Concord. Benicia's fireworks were very good.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3, 2010

Woke up early on Saturday and headed over to Angel Island. Had a great day touring the Island. If you have not done so, I highly recommend it. We go a slip at the dock and then went ashore for a tour of the Immigration Station (Ellis Island of the Pacific) and the perimeter road. The pictures below are from the tour.

We then had lunch on the boat at the dock. After lunch we set sail for China Camp. The winds were moderate and we were able to get up there in about 4 hours. We set the anchor and spent the night on the boat. Although the winds were blowing when we first set anchor, it soon became a very peaceful and calm night.

July 3, 2010

View from Angel Island

July 2, 2010

Lynne and I left the slip today at 1100 and motored up the estuary after topping off the fuel tank. We then sailed over to Pier 1 1/2 and docked Wildcat and toured the Ferry Building. We then had lunch on the boat at the Pier. It was a bit rolly but not too bad. Next we were off to Richardson Bay off of Sausalito to anchor for the night where the picture below was taken.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day 2010

Lynne, Andrew and I sailed up to the bay today and then back to the slip today. It was a great day on the bay. Fair winds and warm temperatures made the sail a great time and it was wonderful to have a day on the water with my lovely wife and wonderful son.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

June 19, 2010

Lynne and I sailed back from South Beach Harbor to our slip. Lynne sailed most of the way. Winds were moderate and had a very leisurely sail back. setting sail at 1100 and getting back to the slip about 1515.

June 18, 2010

Set sail from South Beach Harbor at 1700 with Lynne, Dan Brown, Sean McEneaney, and Michael Barr for a tour of the waterfront. Winds were at 20 knts as we left the harbor. Once we got the sail up we went on a run towards Alameda point so that we could have some food after a long day. The winds, however, continued to build and by the time we were 3/4 across the bay they were 25-28 knts. I decided to tack back to SF at that point, but the chop had already built up, so when we turned back upwind we were in for a wild ride. Fortunately I had already put on one reef when we originally set the sail. but as we tacked up wind it became clear that we needed another one. The mates were great at handling the lines and we eventually got the reef in and were back to banging through the chop. Lots of water came crashing over the bow. The winds at one point were gusting over 35 knts. But all turned out well and we got back to the slip by 2100.

June 17, 2010

Doron and I sailed Wildcat over to South Beach Harbor marina. We left at about 1800 and arrived at about 2215. The winds were very light, but the temperature was quite warm, so we were in no hurry to get the boat over to San Francisco.

June 12, 2010

Went sailing with Lynne leaving at 1300 and returning at 1800. It was a very hot day and winds were light. Lynne did most of the sailing out of the estuary and over to ATT Park and back to the estuary and then I sailed Wildcat in from there. It was nice to be on the water when it was so hot out.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May29-31, 2010

We continued our Memorial Day trip on Saturday by heading up to Martinez. The winds were light as we headed across San Pablo bay. I set the sail, put on the autopilot and Lynne and I both took seats at the bow as we crossed the bay. The sound of the wind whipping around the mast and sail and of the water lapping against the hull was so delightful.

The wind died after we passed under the Carquenez Bridge and we ended up motoring up to Martinez to get a berth for the night. After checking in we motored over to Benicia Marina to top off the fuel tank and then headed up to the mothball fleet. We counted about 50 ships in the river and passed right by the battleship IOWA. Very impressive. We then motored back to Martinez for the night. When we arrived we saw one other visiting boat, a Hunter from Club Nautique. I hoisted by CN bergee and when they got back from dinner in Martinez the skipper came by for a chat.

The next day we sailed back to China Camp. The tide and wind were against us, so it was a lot of tacking. But tacking on my boat is very easy, so we have a fine time sailing back. Then winds died about 30 minutes outside of China Camp so we ended up motoring in. We were able to anchor just about where we were two nights before.

On Monday we headed back to Alameda. Once again the wind and tide were against us, but this time right on our nose. So we ended up motoring till we got to Angel Island. Ayala Cover was packed so we motored over to Richardson Bay to anchor for lunch. Once in the Bay we decided to motor down to Club Nautique and take a slip at their dock. We had a nice lunch and then headed back to Clipper Cove. Doron and Sandra had chartered a boat and we agreed to meet them and raft up. Just as we exited Richardson Bay the winds picked up. We were making 8.5-9 knts SOG on a beam to broad reach with an apparent wind of 18-20 knts. The boat handled fine and we were at Clipper Cove in no time. After an enjoyable raft up with Sandra and Doron and their crew, we headed back to Alameda for the night, arriving at about 1930.

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

Anchored for the night at China Camp.

May 28, 2010

It may be hard to tell be that is San Francisco and the Bay Bridge

May 28, 2010

Lynne and I have started our Memorial Day Weekend Sail. Here we are
hiking on Angel Island and we had a great view of the Golden Gate.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 22, 2010

Lynne and I sailed to Clipper Cove for lunch with our good friends John and Evan Bissonette and Virginia Smith, who were down from Portland OR. We motored out of the estuary, leaving about 1020, because the winds were right on our nose. Once out in the bay we sailed east towards the city, the winds were variable and shifting as a front was approaching. Our initial plans were to sail to Pier 1 1/2, but we soon abandon that plan as we had to get back to the slip by 1500 and we got a later start than I had wanted to. So we tacked and headed to Clipper Cove. The winds picked up and shifted NNW so we were able to sail into Clipper cove. The bar at Clipper Cove is getting very shallow and measured 5 feet as we sailed in. We had a nice lunch in the calm lee side of the cove as the winds continued to pick up around us. After lunch I decided to sail out of Clipper Cove. As we approached the entrance bar the depth gage read 3 ft. Fortunately the mud there is quite soft and we were moving at 7 kts. so we powered right through it. We then sailed back to the slip with the wind at our back. The wind gage indicated an apparent wind of 19-21 kts and we had a ground speed of 7 kts, so the wind was blowing somewhere between 24-28 kts. After a very fast run down the estuary we got back to the slip at 1430.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Angel Island

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010

Went on a sail with Gina and David good friends from Portland OR who were down for the weekend to enjoy sunny San Francisco. We left the slip at about 1045 and motored out to the bay. Then we sailed over to McCovy cove, dropped the sail and motored along the waterfront to pier 1 1/2 by the ferry building and docked the boat and went to the Saturday Market at the Ferry Building. Quite a lively spot. Then we sailed across the bay to Angel Island were we took a slip in Ayela Cove. We hiked to the top of Mt. Livermore (about 2 hours) and then sailed home arriving at 2100. Long but wonderful day.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010

Sandra, Doron and I took a sail today on the spur of the moment. I went to their house to find out about their recent trip to the Carribean and while we were talking decided to go out for a sail. It was a truly beautiful day, mid 70's and good wind. Doron was at the helm up the estuary and I took the helm in the bay. We met nanaimo on the bay and then sailed the south bay together and then back to the slip. Concluded the evening at RDS with some stacks and chicken.

Winds were variable from 10= to 19. We were out for about 5 hours. I wish we had more time.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 13-14, 2010

Lynne and I did our first overnight on Wildcat this weekend. We decided to do an overnight at clipper cove. We got a bit of a late start and headed out at about 1600 from the slip. Although the wind was blowing pretty well (12-15knts) it was unfortunately straight down the estuary. We could have tacked up the estuary, but then we would have arrived at CC well after sunset. So we motored all the way to CC.

Along the way we were able to monitor the rescue of a sailboarder that got separated from his board. He was in the water and fortunately had a handheld radio with him. As the sun was getting closer and closer to setting the coast guard was struggling to find him. What most p
eople do not realize is that a person in dark cloths (ie a typical we suit) without any signaling devices is very hard to see in the water. The USCG kept trying to get him to tell them where he was, but all he could tell them was that he was north of the San Mateo bridge. The USCG did not know how far north, but at least got him to tell them that he was near mid channel. The USCG mobilized their air unit and local rescue units attempted to launch their zodiacs. The other problem is that although the SF bay was full of boats because of the nice weather, the area around the San Mateo bridge is not known for is good sailing (too shallow) so there typically are very few boats in that area.

Fortunately for the wind surfer there was a single handed sailor in a small sailboat down in the south bay enjoying the nice day. He responded to the PAN PAN PAN broadcast by the USCG requesting assistance from all nearby boaters and sailed towards the San Mateo bridge. He was the first person on the scene and was able to find the wind surfer get the very cold wind surfer on his boat and bring him to shore.

After listening to this exciting rescue we headed to our anchorage at Clipper Cove. As we approached the cove we noticed two sailboats anchored on the bay side of a bar that has begun to silt in over the past year. It was low tide and they could not get over the bar. Fortunately Wildcat draws less than 4 ft, so we were able to just make it over by about 6 inches.

When we arrived at the anchorage there were only 2 boats in the cove. This is quite a change because until last year there were always about 5-10 derelick boats in the cove. But San Francisco passed a limitation on how long a boat can anchor in the cove and towed out the boats violating the new rule. So we basically had the anchorage to ourselves. As the sun set we broke out some drinks to enjoy our lovely spot.

Just before I shut down the electronics I broadcasted a DSC call to Nanaimo to find out if they were on the bay. I was happy to get back a response and shortly thereafter found out that they were heading to CC from China Camp. They had planned to spend the night at China Camp, but the winds were blowing from the North in the North Bay, so that anchorage as a bit rolly. When the pulled into CC after sunset we rafted up, had a few drinks on our boat and then went over to their boat for dinner. Bethany had some great home made red sauce and wonderful pasta.

The next day was another gorgeous day and we decided to go for a sail around the bay. We head out of CC and North along Treasure Island towards Angel Island. Just as we got into the wind shadow of Angel Island we turned back towards San Francisco. We sailed past Alcatraz and headed for the western span of the Bay Bridge. Lynne did much of the sailing until we made the turn towards the Bay bridge.

As we passed by Alcatraz we found ourselves in the middle of a race with a fair number of boats flying there spinnakers. We were on a starboard tack and the leeward boat to boot, so we had the right of way. But it is still polite to try to get out of the way of racing boats so we adjusted our course a bit to accommodate the race.

We finally got back to the slip about 1730 and called it a day. A wonderful time for our first overnight of the year.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 7, 2010

Went for a quick sail with John C. and Paul L. after John's birthday party. Sailed up the estuary to the APL cranes and back. We had pretty decent winds of up to 18 knots. Boat handled well. On the way up we saw Nanaimo on her way back to port. Later we passed her again as Pete and Doron were looking for a place to pump out the holding tank. Ah the wonderful things we need to do to take care of the boat.

It was nice sailing with John C. and Paul as they both could handle the helm and help out with the lines as needed. Hopefully next weekend Lynne and I can do an overnight on the boat.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010

Lynne and I took a sail up to the bay and back.  Lynne was at the helm on the way out and I took the helm for the return.  We met up with Pete and Bethany on the way back to the slip as they were out for a late afternoon sail.  Winds were light but the temp was quite warm.

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3, 2010

Got the New Year off to a good start by going down to the boat for a little R&R. Lynne and I met Sandra and Doron at the boat around 1230. As usual Sandra brought a great meal, home made chicken soup and chicken salad sandwiches. Doron added a bottle of French rose.

So when I tried to start the engine the starter battery was dead, as was the house battery. Guess I left the power on (or Andrew did one night while he was back from college). Any way, I turned on the charger and it did not seem to be working. Doron and I went below to check it out. My number one rule with anything electronic is if it is not working, make sure it's plugged in. So, starting at the shore box we checked the breaker, then the breaker on the boat's panel and finally the breaker at the battery. Of course the last breaker had flipped. Doron reset it and 30 minutes later we got the engine running and were on our way.

I decided to motor the whole way so that I could charge the battery. I have an eighty amp alternator on the engine, so I thought that would be better than charging at 30 amps on shore. All seemed to be working when we returned to the slip. Only time will tell if the battery is still holding a charge. We had a nice run up to and back from the turning basin .