Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 4, 2010

We slept in on Independence Day and then had a late breakfast/brunch. After cleaning up we read for a while and then I received a text message from Peter Butler that their was a slip available in Benicia. We soon set sail at about 1430 expecting about a 3 to 4 hour sail to Benicia. Well the winds were at about 20-23 knts off our starboard quarter and we flew across San Pablo bay. we were even able to sail on a run past the bride and up the river to the Benicia Marina, getting in at about 1700. We were greeted very warmly by the Island Yacht Club members that had organized a sail-in and had a nice cocktail party with them. That night we watched the 4th of July firework displays of Benicia, Valejo, Pittsburgh and Concord. Benicia's fireworks were very good.

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