Monday, July 18, 2011

July 15, 2011

Lynne and I took Carol P. and Bart B. on a sail around the bay. We left the estuary about 11:30 and motored up the estuary. Winds were light, but picked up as we got out of the estuary. We then put up the sail and sailed over to South Beach Harbor Marina to pick up Bart, who was in town from Texas.

At SBHM we hung out for a bit and had some lunch and then set sail for Angel Island. It was a clear day and Bart took this picture as we were about to pass under the Bay Bridge.

As we passed across the bay the winds picked up but stayed under 20 knots. We sailed by Alcatraz and over to Angel Island. Here is a picture of Wildcat at the slip in Ayla Cove. We took this picture as we hiked along the Sunset trail.

Eventually we got to the west side of the island and Bart and I posed for a picture.

Finally, we headed back after a fund hike. As we crossed the bay and sailed through the slot the winds were blowing about 18-20 kts. But since we were on a broad reach coming over from Angel Island, it was a cake walk. The winds, however, did bring out the Kite Boarders and Bart got a nice picture of two of them passing by the setting sun.

We finally got back to the slip at about 1945. Unfortunately, Wildcat's transmission is on its last legs. I will need to get someone to take a look at it pretty soon.

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