Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fleet week Oct 8, 2011

Start Time: 10/8/11 1:03 PM

End Time: 10/8/11 5:37 PM

Active track info:

Distance: 19.9 NM

Total time: 4h 33'

Average Speed: 4.4 kts
Max Speed: 7.8 kts

Took Lynne, Victor, Eric and two friends of Victor's (Sara and Priscilla) out on the bay for fleet week to watch the blue angels.

We were out for 4.5 hours and went 20 NM. At first there was no wind. So we motored towards the Bay Bridge.

But after we got under the bay bridge the winds quickly picked up to 20 knts with gusts to 25. We motored over to the lee side of Alcatraz to get out of the wind and waves.

Eric got sea sick, poor kid. When the blue angles show began we motored over to the west side of Alcatraz for a better view. It was a great show. Ended up motoring back to the slip because the main halyard got twisted around the radar.

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