Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 6 - 8 2012

Out for three days solo. First night down to old slip at alameda marina. Sailed entire way to Jack London. Saw George and Rick the next day on Georgia's Girl.

Next day took off mid morning and sailed out to mid bay winds picked up to about 19 knts. Then tucked in behind Treasure Island and into Clipper Cove for the night. Winds calmed down after sunset and had a comfortable nights sleep on the hook.

Next day too off early (about 1000) and motored out as there was no wind. Took a look at the cabling work on the new section of the bay bridge and then motored off to a point just past the navel station channel and turned off the motor and drifted with the anchor hanging at about 15 feet (safeguard against going aground). Eventually the winds picked up and went sailing for about 2 hours.

Start Time: 4/6/12 6:14 PM
End Time: 4/8/12 2:38 PM

Active track info:

Distance: 37.1 NM
Total time: 44h 19'
Average Speed: 0.8 kts
Max Speed: 7.6 kts

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