Monday, June 16, 2008

June 15, 2008 - Father's Day

What a better way to spend father's day than to go for a short sail after a barbecue at home.  Lynne's brother, Scott and his wife, Amy and Amy's brother, Jeff and his wife, Nancy are out visiting us from Wisconsin.  We started the day with a barbecue in which I cooked some baby back ribs and hamburgers, Lauren cooked the corn and dished out the slaw and potato salad and Lynne served dessert.  After we had our fill of food, Amy, Nancy, Scott, Jeff and I went down to Wildcat for a sail.  Unfortunately it was already 3pm, so we only had time enough to sail up the estuary to the Oakland outer harbor and back.  The wind was blowing about 14-18 kts pretty much straight down the estuary so we had to beat our way up.  Fortunately, a Nonsuch is an easy boat to tack, so the sail was still allot of fun.  The nice thing about the wind direction is that the sail home was a broad reach to a run the whole way back.  The entire 11 mile trip took about 4 hours.  As usual a good time was had by all.

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