Monday, August 25, 2008

August 22-24, 2008

Wildcat had two outings this past weekend. On Friday I motored up by myself to Clipper Cove to anchor out over night. Pete and Bethany motored up on Nanaimo with Sandra Paz and we rafted up and had dinner and drinks until about 2300. The next day Andrew and his friend Rick Relinger drove over to Treasure Island and I picked them up at the guest dock and we sailed around SF bay, past Alcatraz, around Angel Island and back to Clipper Cove. I dropped the boys off and Nanaimo was still at anchor at CC. We rafted up again for another round and then motored down to Quinn's Lighthouse for dinner. Got back to the slip at about 9pm.

The next day I took Lynne's brother Scott and his daughter Katlin out for a sail up to Jack London and back. Very light winds and on the way back we met up with Nanaimo with B&P and Sandra and Doron on board. We raced back to the slip and Peter smoked me once again.

The pictures below are from Clipper Cove and motoring on the Oakland Estuary.

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