Sunday, August 3, 2008

July 26-27, 2008

Lynne and I motored over to South Bay Marina on Saturday the 26th of July to pick up three guests for a sail around the bay. The tall ships were in and docked around the bay and we were able to see a few of them. After we picked up Randa, Blaine and Evet at about 1330 we sailed across the bay towards the west end of Angle Island. It was a beautiful warm summer day. The winds were initially mild, but the picked up as we crossed the bay and were at about 18-20 as we approached Raccoon Straights. Once in the Straights the winds were fickle, but we were able to sail to the east end of Angle Island where we dropped the hook at the cove at the north east corner of the Island in its wind shadow. We had some snacks and drinks, and I took a dip in the bay (it really had turned out to be a hot day!) and then we crossed the bay and went behind Treasure Island on its east side. Once we passed under the Bay Bridge we put on the motor and motored back to South Beach to drop off our guests. Lynne and I then motored back to Clipper Cove and stayed the night on the hook. It was very relaxing. We each read a book and then got underway at about 4 pm. The winds were quite high and we had a fun sail back in to the slip. We got in about 6 pm and cleaned up the boat. Total 2 day distance about 25 miles.

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