Wednesday, August 13, 2008

August 9-10

Lynne and I got a late start on Saturday and motored out the estuary into the south bay. The winds were moderate as we sailed south and then turned to the northwest towards the delta/echo span of the Bay Bridge. We were on the radio with P&B and S&D who were sailing near the Gate and Angle Island, respectively. They reported good winds over by the GG bridge, so we headed in that direction. All of a sudden, as we approached the shipping channel coming out of Oakland Harbor the wind literally stopped. We sat around for about 5 minutes and then I decided to get under power, drop the sail and head over to drop the hook in Clipper Cove. Once we got to Clipper Cove we set the anchor and proceeded to have a drink and wait for the other two boats.

Nanaimo was the first to arrive. Pete pulled in and rafted up to my port side. Doron was next in and brought his chartered boat up to my starboard side, but then we decided the other boats were a bit too close. Pete took Nanaimo over to a better location and dropped his huge Manson anchor. Doron and I then rafted up to Nanaimo.

We ended up spending the night rafted together. I dropped my spare anchor off the back so that we would not drift too close to the marina docks or aground on the beach. Doron took off the next day at 7 am and Pete left at about 10 am. Lynne and I got underway at about 1100. We motored back to the slip after pumping out the holding tank at the pump out near the Alameda Sherrif's boat at Grand Marina.

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